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401(k) Cost Comparison Calculator

Compare quotes from different 401(k) providers. Read our blog post on 401(k) fees →

Fees to EmployerFees to Employee
Setup fee$499Flat monthly fee$5
Monthly fee$120Asset-based fee0%
Per employee$4Avg. expense ratio0.1%

Pricing includes everything, including time-saving extras

Compare apples to apples: ensure price quotes from other providers include all necessary 401(k) services

Record-KeepingInvestment Management
Third-Party AdminAsset Custody
Payroll SyncEmployee Support & Education

See our blog post on the parts of a 401(k) →

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Employer annual cost for employees
Employee cost over 30 years

Chart assumes 7% annual growth on $10,000 per year contribution

Read about flat fees vs asset-based fees →